How to Clean a Paint Brush

As is obvious and self-explanatory, paintbrushes get dirty if you use them. Moreover, they can be expensive to replace, which is why it’s important to know how to properly clean and care for them. With proper care and maintenance, your paint brushes can last much longer.

Things Required:

– Paint brush
– Warm Water
– Warm, soapy water
– Paper towel
– Paint solvent
– Pair of gloves
– Bowl


  • 1

    Cleaning a brush which you used for water based paints is fairly easy. First, you should try to remove as much paint as possible by running the brush under warm water in the sink. Use your hands to lightly massage the bristles as the water hits them and try to rinse them.

  • 2

    Now, fill a bowl with warm, soapy water and move your brushes gently through the water while lightly squeezing the bristles. Repeat the rinsing process under warm tap water. Lightly separate the bristles using a brush comb after rinsing and lay your brushes on a paper towel to dry thoroughly before storing them.

  • 3

    If you used an oil based paint, then you should know that paintbrush cleaning requires a little more work. First, remove as much paint as possible from the brush by gently rubbing it against the side of the paint can or wiping the brush with a clean paper towel.

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    You will need a paint solvent to remove oil based paint from your brush. In most cases, mineral spirits will work well for this purpose. Fill a bowl with your mineral spirits or solvent. It is recommended that you put on a pair of gloves to protect your hands during the cleaning process.

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    Put your brushes into the bowl of solvent and gently use your hands to massage the solvent into the bristles. Use a brush comb to gently separate the bristles after cleaning the brush. You may need to repeat this process several times using fresh solvent to get all of the paint out.

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    Your final washing should be in soap and water, as you did for water based paint. Once your bristles have been separated with your comb a final time, lay your brushes on a flat surface to dry.

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