How To Make a Microdermabrasion Scrub

Microdermabrasion is a simple and non-invasive skin-care technique that uses a mechanical medium, consisting of tiny rough grains, for exfoliation to gently remove dead skin cells of the body. Microdermabrasion scrubs are vastly used for this purpose. They not only remove dead skin cells from the surface, helping to reveal younger skin below, but also smooth uneven areas, helping to promote clear and healthy skin.

A commercial microdermabrasion scrub may cost huge amount for just one month’s supply. But you can make your own Microdermabrasion scrub using some easily available household items, like sugar, powdered milk, olive oil and honey. This scrub can be easily made in about 15 minutes.

Sugar granules are known to be good skin exfoliants. These granules buff away the dead skin cells from the surface. Milk, the other ingredient of this homemade microdermabrasion scrub, is also considered as one of the good items for exfoliation, due to its natural alphahydroxy acid contents. Next comes olive oil, which is known to be rich in hydrating, hence it helps nourish the dry skin. The last ingredient of this scrub, Honey is not only a good moisturiser, but also absorbs bacteria and impurities from the skin, keeping the skin clear and supple.

Things Required:

– Sugar – 4 tablespoons
– Powdered milk – 4 tablespoons
– Olive oil – 1 tablespoon
– Honey – 1 tablespoon
– Mixing bowl
– Measuring spoons
– Blender


  • 1

    Put four tablespoons of sugar in a blender.

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    Add four tablespoons of powdered milk to it.

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    Pour one table spoon of olive oil into the blender, followed by one tablespoon of honey.

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    Pulse the blender on high to blend all the ingredients thoroughly.

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    After you have thoroughly blended all the ingredients, test the mixture on your skin and make sure the scrub is rough enough for your scrubbing needs.

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    Use this homemade microdermabrasion scrub all over your body, focusing on the rough skin areas, especially your elbows and feet.

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