Condolence Email to Wife

Everyone faces hardships in his life due to calamities, death of his loved ones or any other unfavourable incident and needs a helping hand on such occasions. If you are away from your wife and want to express condolences at the death of her mother or any other relative, you can write an email to her. In the first paragraph, greet your wife and express your condolence towards her. Then, in the second paragraph, write something good about the deceased. In the end, express your love and support towards your wife and say goodbye.


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    Sample of Condolence Email to Wife


    Subject: To express condolence on your mother’s death

    Dear Rose,

    I hope that you are enjoying good health. I have recently heard about the tragic news of your mother’s death and I am writing this email to express my condolence to you.

    I am extremely sorry that I was out of touch for a couple of days as we were working in the oil well beneath the surface of earth without any kind of wireless communication except with our supervisors. So, please accept my apologies for the delay. Your mother was a great lady. She had always treated me like her own son and I feel proud to be the husband of her daughter.

    I know that you are going through a tough time, but you have to act strong as you have to give strength to all your siblings. If you need any kind of help from my side, always remember that I am there for you.

    Take good care of yourself and love to kids.


    Jack Williams Jr.

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    Template of Condolence Email to Wife

    To: [email address of the recipient]

    Subject: [subject of the email]

    Dear [name of the receiver],

    Hope you are doing well. I have just received the sad news of your mother’s death and I am writing to express my grief and support at this regrettable incident.

    Your mother had always been really kind to me. She loved me like her own son and taught me some great lessons to lead my life in a better way. She was great woman and everyone around her loved her for her decency and kindness. I pray that may her soul rest in peace.

    Please take care of yourself and give me a call if you need any help.


    [Your name]

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