How to Landscape with Fescue Beach Plants

Fescue beach plants belong to sandy shores and dunes, which is the reason why they can be an amazing addition to your yard, especially in coastal areas. There are many kinds of fescues, which differ from each other in colour and size. By landscaping with fescue beach plants, you may add texture and visual beauty to your lawn or yard.

However, in order to make your lawn look more appealing and natural, you must use a combination of multiple types of fescue beach plants, instead of landscaping with just one type, in order to avoid uniformity. These plants will counter beachfront erosion due to their mature heights of about 6 to 12 inches.


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    Decide the place

    You need to do your homework before you purchase and start to landscape the fescue beach plants. Do a little survey of your lawn and decide where they will suit the best.  In order to know the quantity of plants you need, you should properly measure the space. You may place a number of plants even in a small area because the space between each seed should be approximately an inch.

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    Germinate the seedlings

    You should germinate the seedlings before the fall planting. Having placed the seeds in a tray, use sandy soil to cover them and add compost, which should make the soil better draining and more fertile. The planting trays should be kept in an area where the temperature is less than 75 degree Fahrenheit. The trays should be moisturized until the plants sprout.

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    Prepare the soil for planting

    At the arrival of fall, you need to loosen the soil to prepare it for planting. It is recommended that a rotary tiller is run over the area. Before you begin planting the seeds, add about three inches of compost or manure to the ground. The soil should be watered regularly to ensure that it remains moist.  You may now place the fescue beach plants in the soil. However, make sure that the weather is not too cold as the grass needs some time to acclimatise.

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    Water the plants

    During their first growing season, keep in mind fescue beach plants need more water. However, once the plants flourish, you may relax and let them grow naturally.

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